

Get to know our history.

Our History

The Catholic Archdiocese of Kumasi Cooperative Society for Development (CAKCSOD) Limited was formed on 1st December 1997 as a Non-Banking Financial Institution that offers financial services to its registered members in the form of accepting deposits, granting loans and financial counselling. The society is registered under the Co-operative Societies Decree of 1968 (NLCD 252), with registration number AR/NC/512 and also affiliated to the Ghana Co-operative Societies Association - CUA Limited.

The Catholic Archdiocese of Kumasi Cooperative Society for Development (CAKCSOD) was first conceived by the leadership of the Church in Kumasi in June 2014 as part of our 10-year grand scheme, strategic plan initiative (SPI) 2014-2024.

Our motivation to start a financial institution such as CAKCSOD was re-ignited to commence by the encouragement of His Holiness Pope Francis who is a strong promotor of Impact Investment. For us, impact investment is a way to generate legitimate funds to address social, environmental and evangelization concerns (Cf. Wikipedia).

From 26-28 June 2016, Pope Francis constituted a Conference which brought together impact investing experts and Catholic leaders from around the world to explore how the Catholic Church and other faith-based institutions can harness the power of creative investment to attain and sustain the church's social mission (www.crs.org/mediacentre/pope-29June2016).

The Conference had a theme entitled "Making the Year of Mercy a Year of Impact for the Poor", which was hosted by the Vatican's Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace and Catholic Relief Services with our first Cardinal, His Eminence Peter K. Appiah Turkson playing a leading role.

Under the Impact Investment agenda, therefore, CAKCSOD was inaugurated on Sunday 1 November 2020, the Feast of All Saints at the St. John of the Cross Parish at Kronum which has a vibrant market and a growing Commercial Center nearby the busy Kumasi-Offinso Road in the Suame Municipality in the Ashanti Region.

Few Interesting Numbers

Numbers that speak about us.

Our Network

18 Branches across the region


More than 10 ten thousand customers


600 professional employees